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онкология дети

The authentic establishment of association папилломавирусов with development генитальной неоплазии has allowed to approach closely to an opportunity to analyze complex{difficult} and questions at issue of correlation caused ВПЧ молекулярно-genetic changes with clinical features and forecast РШМ. Clinical current РШМ is influenced with histologic type and a degree of a differentiation of a tumour, the size of a primary tumour, depth инвазии subject fabrics and involving in tumoral process прилежащих to шейке a uterus of fabrics, лимфососудистого spaces and регионарных лимфоузлов. Forecast РШМ the big sizes of a primary tumour, a low degree of a differentiation of a tumour, presence of metastatic defeat регионарных лимфоузлов worsen, young age of patients [2,14]. Messages, соотносящие молекулярно-genetic determinants of the ВПЧ-INFECTION at РШМ with гистопатологическими both clinical features of tumours and forecast РШМ, contain inconsistent results. ВПЧ type 16 meets in высокодифференцированных плоскоклеточных tumours while ВПЧ type 18 it is associated with плоскоклеточными tumours of a low degree of a differentiation and аденокарциномами [13,14] is more often. Подробнее...

Unresolved there is a question on optimum duration of chemotherapy of the first line. Today it is possible to recommend an individual approach in each concrete case. At a stage of chemotherapy of the first line it is necessary to aspire to achievement of full regress with disappearance of all displays of illness including normalization of level СА-125, and then to fix the achieved effect carrying out of 2-3 more additional rates. At achievement of partial regress it is necessary to continue chemotherapy till the moment when during two last rates stabilization of illness is marked, estimating on the sizes of residual tumoral weights and concentration of tumoral markers. By own experience I can tell, that in these cases at the majority of patients the number of courses of treatment will make from 6 up to 12, but not less than 6. In case of stabilization of illness it is necessary to limit volume of treatment by 6 rates after which end therapy can be stopped up to attributes of progressing or it is continued with use of modes of the second line depending on the general{common} condition of the patient and its{her} attitude{relation} to the further carrying out chemotherapy. At progressing illness it is necessary to pass to modes of the second line of chemotherapy. Подробнее...