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онкология клиника москва

Онкогенный the potential папилломавирусов essentially varies; on ability to initiate диспластические (precancer) changes and a cancer папилломавирусы are conditionally divided{shared} into groups of "high" and "low" risk of occurrence of tumoral transformation infected эпителия. Types ВПЧ 6,11, 42, 43, 44 have been classified as types of low risk of development of a cancer, types 16, 18, 48, 56 - high risk. So, ВПЧ types 6 and 11 are the reason peaked кондилом, are frequently identified at дисплазиях easy and average degrees of weight and are seldom connected to tumours шейки a uterus. ВПЧ types 16 and 18 prevail of other types папилломавирусов at РШМ, ВПЧ type 16 comes to light in 50-70 % of cases, in 10-20 % comes to light ВПЧ type 18, other types ВПЧ of high risk come to light much less often [13,14,21]. Most frequently meeting 16 type of a virus is determined, it{he} is revealed in 21 % of cases CIN-I, in 57 % of cases CIN-II-III. With an infection types of a virus 16 and 18 associate 67-93 % of cases РШМ, the virus of type 18 is found out approximately in 2 times less often than a virus of type 16 [11,13.15,18]. The virus of a papilloma of type 18 is associated with development аденокарцином, has higher онкогенный potential, with it{him} connect fast rate of a tumoral progression, a low level of a differentiation infected эпителия, the adverse forecast others онкогенными types [12,14]. Подробнее...

During tumoral transformation the key role is played with virus genes Е6 and Е7 which activity is supervised регуляторным by site URR. This site генома contains area of the virus promotor, a locus репликации, энхенсерные elements, активирующие the sequences necessary for репликации virus ДНК, sites of linkage for fiber Е2, cellular factors of a transcription, receptors of a progesterone and глюкокортикоидных hormones [16]. In регуляторной areas генома the promotor р97 (ВПЧ type 16), р105 (ВПЧ type 18), regulating экспрессию virus genes settles down; activity of the promotor is adjusted by virus and cellular fibers. Онкобелок Е6 plays a role коактиватора, cooperating with factors of a transcription and elements of the basic транскрипционного a complex. Подробнее...