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нии онкологии и гемотологии

The opportunity of interrelation неоплазий шейки a uterus with venereal diseases was for many years discussed. In group of the women suffering инвазивным РШМ, higher frequency of revealing of nonspecific microflora is marked, switching трихомонадные and гарднерелловы infections [3,6]. Examples of such influence were discussed in attitude{relation} Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, a virus of a simple herpes of type 2, a cytomegalovirus, a virus of a papilloma of the person [3,19]. Epidemiological researches have convincingly shown, that a conclusive risk factor of occurrence of precancer changes and a cancer шейки a uterus is генитальная папилломавирусная the infection, accompanying папилломавирусной infections of sexual ways influence at early stages of development неоплазий and do not influence on already arisen РШМ [5,13,14,23]. Подробнее...

Long-term experience shows, that the chemotherapy of the second line allows to supervise symptoms of disease at the majority of patients including resistant to derivatives of platinum, it is essential to increase duration of remission and a life at separate patients with high sensitivity platinum derivatives, but is not capable to result in treatment. Thus, for the overwhelming majority of patients the chemotherapy of the second line has palliative character [12]. Подробнее...