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онкологии термолечение

Break of a ring molecule virus ДНК can occur in any place, however most frequently - in area Е1/Е2; exception is area URR-Е6-Е7, which интактна as in морфологически not changed эпителии and at дисплазиях, and in tumoral cells{cages}. Disappearance супрессорной causes functions of virus fiber Е2 суперэкспрессию virus онкогенов Е6-Е7, трансформирующее which action promotes a progression неоплазий. It is supposed, that gene Е1 participates in suppression of the virus promotor, consequence{investigation} of a mutation of gene Е1 are activation of a transcription virus генома and increase трансформирующей activity virus онкогенов [16,23]. Подробнее...

The arsenal of the antineoplastic means used for carrying out of chemotherapy of the second line is extraordinary great. To them concern паклитаксел, доцетаксел, топотекан, липосомальный доксорубицин, пероральный этопозид, винорельбин, гемцитабин, оксалиплатин, алтретамин, ифосфамид. So big list of preparations is more likely the certificate of that any of them does not allow to reach{achieve} long remissions at the majority of patients. Efficiency of them changes from 12 up to 40 % at average life expectancy of 9-12 months. Подробнее...