- Лечение онкологии
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- Острый лейкоз
- Хронический лейкоз
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лечение онкологии в москве

Tumour name superfluous pathological growths of the fabrics consisting of qualitatively changed cells{cages} which have lost a differentiation of an organism. From the terms accepted in medicine designating tumoral process, the following most are frequently used: тумор - tumores, новообразования - neoplasma, бластома - blastomata, - last most full displays an essence of process. Бластома occurs from the Greek verb бластонейн - to grow. On character and rates of growth of a tumour share on good-quality and malignant. Подробнее...

In this aspect interest work Newman [37] devoted to local relapses after operations of similar type also deserves. At 372 patients with a cancer dairy железы T1, T2, for the period with 1986 till 1993, relapses have been marked at 23 sick (6,2 %) with the average period of occurrence 25 мес and in 96 % of cases have been submitted by palpated formations{educations} in a leather{skin} dairy железы. At 14 patients relapse has been subjected surgical иссечению in a combination with system therapy. The resection reconstructed железы has been executed at three patients. The full local control has been achieved at 74 % of patients. At nine (39 %) have developed the remote metastasises. At average term of supervision 26 мес 14 from 23 patients (61 %) are alive without attributes of illness, 7 (30 %) have died. Подробнее...