- Лечение онкологии
- Меланома
- Лейкоз
- Острый лейкоз
- Хронический лейкоз
- Лейкоз крови
- Рак

консультации уролога онколога

The problem of oncological diseases is one of main for a modern society. Under forecasts the CART desease and death rate oncological diseases all over the world will increase in 2 times for the period since 1999 for 2020: with 10 up to 20 million new cases and with 6 up to 12 million registered death. Подробнее...

Both these of technics{technical equipment} have been developed for performance превентивных operations at high risk of development of a cancer dairy железы and more often were accompanied by reconstruction with use, as own fabrics, and силиконовых эндопротезов. Подробнее...