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лейкоз беременных

The first researches devoted эпидемиологии РШМ, have appeared in a century. Rigoni-Stern in 1842 has published the data based on studying of the register of death in Verona with 1760 on 1830. It{he} has noticed, that РШМ much more often caused death of married women and widows and did not meet at virgins and монахинь. This circumstance has allowed the scientist to state a hypothesis about infectious origin РШМ. Known interest submit data, published F.Gagnon (1950), - at studying 13000 case records монахинь Montreal and Quebec РШМ has not been found out never. The author connected similar results with low frequency of inflammatory diseases шейки a uterus at монахинь. In review Mogaji (1973) it is shown, that гистологически confirmed плоскоклеточный РШМ at virgins represents an exclusive rarity, these data are confirmed with researches Kessler (1976) and Skoqg (1982). Results of the epidemiological researches concerning a role in occurrence РШМ of the early beginning of a sexual life, early first pregnancy, often change of sexual partners, and also the infectious diseases transmitted in the sexual way are published. Подробнее...

In spite of the fact that анастрозол has shown the superiority before тамоксифеном, last while remains the standard адъювантной гормонотерапии (term of reception - 5 years) as time of supervision in research АТАС, equal 33 months, is, in opinion of the majority of the experts, insufficient to recommend анастрозол as the standard адъювантной эндокринотерапии. Подробнее...