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лечение лейкоза стволовыми клетками матери

Since this message, within 7 years, and also the decision of technical questions of reconstruction a plenty of the works devoted to safety issues of preservation of a leather{skin} during radical мастэктомии, in particular an estimation of probability of development of local relapses was published in these conditions [29-33]. The general{common} conclusion of these works was significant advantage of the received results, in comparison with standard techniques. Подробнее...

Known types папилломавирусов the person are similar on the genetic structure. The genetic material of a virus is submitted by ring two-chained molecule ДНК in length about 8000 pairs the bases that corresponds{meets} to weight about D.Odna's 5 million from strings ДНК contains 9 open frameworks of reading (open reading frames, ORF) which potentially code up to 10 proteins, and регуляторный a site генома (upstream regulatory region, URR). Other string ДНК not coding. Подробнее...